تشرين الأولEducation for outsiders in Sweden?
The University of Buckingham and the British University in Georgia's partnership opens new avenues for enhanced educational opportunities and greater global connectivity through British educational expertise. Their pursuit aims to provide Georgian youth with the same opportunities and advantages they would experience if studying in the UK, eliminating the need for extensive travel while ensuring access to world-class education. Known for receiving the coveted Silver rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF 2023), The University of Buckingham demonstrates its drive to expand its network of global universities and share its proven formula for success through partnerships.
OED gives the etymology from educare and the base Latin form would be educo but this had/has two different senses. The first is the rearing or raising of children, livestock, comparable to modern sense, and the second is to draw or lead out, to bring before a court, to raise, to bring up the rear, etc. I like what the second sense brings with the image of a civilized human being being drawn out of a great ape with a language facility.